Red River Fly Fishing Reports January 2003

Red River Fly Fishing Reports January 2003
Ed Adams New Mexico Fly Fishing GuideI fished alone on 1/7 and broke the tip on my bush rod going in. I fished anyway and caught a few fish..Water temp 48-52* over the day. On 1/17 I fished close to the Hatchery and temp was 53* and fishing fair on D&D combo.. On 1/20 I saw some Mayflies and a few spawners but water got muddy in the afternoon and later I drove up above Questa and saw that Molycorp was doing some backhoe work near the stream and causing discolored water in the canyon..On 1/28 we had the best fishing since November…Very good Mayfly hatch and the emerger worked well as a dropper..Browns 10-13″ and a couple of Cutbos 16″..On 1/31 it was not as good as 1/28 but fish were looking up..It slowed later in the day. Ed Adams New Mexico Fly Fishing Guide Questa, New Mexico 505.586.1512

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